My Next Venture

In 2019 some friends and I went and did a half day pottery course.  I was hooked.  It’s a Charlie version of yoga (as touching my toes is definitely not my forte).  I have to concentrate so much that suddenly I find myself breathing deeply and I am totally in the moment.  But, better still, I am making something and it’s just so much fun.  Pottery is a can of worms, which quickly turns into a barrel of worms, and then a vat.  There are just endless directions, opportunities and mistakes to be made.  I love it.  

So, my next goal is to try and start making a go of this.  I doubt I will ever make any actual money, for as anyone who has had a go at it know will know, it’s a very long winded process, and with all the stages involved I doubt it will ever take me less than an hour a piece.  Although at least now I truly understand why handmade craft costs what it does.  If you would like to buy something or commission me, please get in touch. 

I’m still trying to find my style.  I think a mix of bright colours, interesting forms and contrasting textures will become my thing, but who knows!  I recently did a Christmas market and put out all sorts of random designs, in the hope that I would see what people liked.  It turns out everyone is different and I sold pretty much one of every item.  So, as I said, a can of worms.  Where do I start? 

You will see that my oven is located in our Maison de Maitre (please see the ‘Daph Creates’ page), but what a cool place to have my first atelier!  My wheel in the meantime is located in a horribly painted bright green bedroom in the only liveable part of the property.  I look out at those beautiful row of trees as I try to let my hands feel the centering of the clay, and breath.